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  • Each can is equivalent to 21 ounces of 134a!​
  • This refrigerant can be charged under a vacuum.
  • This product was designed and developed to meet the needs for colder air for some applications in auto, agriculture and commercial applications.
  • Enviro-Safe Industrial 134a Replacement Refrigerant will work in small vehicles, sedans, minivans, SUVs, and large SUVs (Suburbans & Expeditions, etc), systems with dual air and even includes semi tractors.
  • This refrigerant also works for agriculture needs (tractors, combines, etc) and other pieces of equipment where greater cooling is required because of hydraulic lines under the drivers seat or on top of the cab. Anything with a lot of glass makes this a perfect refrigerant!
  • This refrigerant can also be used in applications such as milk houses, cooling tanks, pasturizing equipment, water coolers, soda machines, ice machines, refrigerators, and dehumidifers are just a small list. Basically, anything that already has R134a in it or anything that has been retrofitted to R134a.
  • Enviro-Safe Industrial 134a Replacement Refrigerant can replace R134a.
  • This is our coldest refrigerant we have for automotive use in hot climates with high humidity.
  • About 5° colder than Enviro-Safe R134a Replacement Refrigerant with Dye.
  • Operates at lower head pressure
  • Offers improved cooling properties and performance
  • Compatible with most refrigerant oils
  • Non Ozone depleting
  • Non Global warming
  • R134a can thread
  • Use up to 60% Less
  • Made in America!
  • Enviro-Safe has been manufacturing hydrocarbon refrigerants since 1996. 
  • Flammable to an open flame or spark and proceed with caution if used in systems designed for non-flammable refrigerants.

SUV Enviro-Safe Industrial R134a Replacement Refrigerant for Vehicle 12/Case

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