- Aerosol
- Enviro-Safe Dye Charge is fully compatible with mineral, ester and pag oils.
- For use in automotive applications.
- Highly concentrated dye (fluorescent yellow)
- In some cases, you can see the dye with the naked eye.
- The dye works best with the use of a black light and UV glasses.
- #3565 UV Glasses
- #3525 Black light
- This is the same color dye that most auto makers inject into the vehicle when new.
- This 4 oz can is enough dye for a full-size auto or truck.
- Has 134a top on the can.
- DO NOT use in ammonia systems
- DO NOT use in CO2 systems
- Cannot be sent to Alaska or Hawaii or exported to foreign countries except in pallet quantities
- Gas propelled
- Installs the same way as refrigerant
- Cannot be added to a fully charged system
R12 Dye Charge with Brass Gauge