- The very 1st dye in a direct inject product
- If you need an inject to help with slightly bigger systems, use our "Deluxe" version.
- Dye Inject is the concentrated version of Enviro-Safe Dye VS.
- Fully compatible with mineral, ester, and pag oils
- Uses a precisely selected, florescent-yellow dye that is highly visible and is the same dye used by auto makers in car A/Cs
- This product performs best in heat pumps, split and mini- split units, packaged units, microchannel coils, coolers, and commercial units.
- Applications: heat pumps, split systems & mini split units, packaged units, and microchannel coils
- DO NOT use in ammonia systems
- One-time use
- Concentrated
- No need to pump-down R410 or other units
- No injection-hose or caulk-gun needed
- Concentrated formula means less material in the system
Dye Direct Inject and Gun